
Bismillah πŸ’ž. So last Tuesday I went to Bayan Lepas for an interview. I mean, 3 of us which is another 2 is my best friend from UniKL. So we decided to apply this job from job street and lucky us they decided to call 3 of us so that's the reason why we're together for that day πŸ‘―πŸ‘―πŸ‘―. The day before interview session I was messed up because I forgot to print my resume and I didn't even made a copy for my certificates and it's quite a mess . And I also lost one of my precious certificate and FAK that πŸ’’πŸ’’. So let just forget about it. And on that day we went there with Ainan , since she had an interview also nearby us so what a great coincidenceπŸ˜€ (jimat).

We just went there together, special thanks to Ainan for waiting us. It took us more than 5 hours for an interview since the interviewer is quite late actuallyπŸ‘€. They said we've to be there for 930am and we went there at 9am but we started interview at 11am something I guess. So before that, we've to fill up the forms and of course there's "Radiographer's Question" and it's about ABBREVIATION guys. I'm not good at it so I can only answered 10/17 and I don't even know whether my 10 answers is correct or not in terms of spelling hahahaha πŸ’€πŸ’€

After that,the interviewer came and she called my name first. So, I'm the 1st interviewee πŸ’ͺ. I'm so scared since I can't speak very well until the interviewer makes me feels comfortable so I can talk like she's my friend πŸ’™. So special thanks to her for making me feels like that. She interviewed me for 30mins guys, I also don't know what we were talking about hahahaha. It took so long meh but it was nice πŸ™‹

The day after that, I got a phone call and lucky me ALHAMDULILLAH I made it πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ. So next week gonna be my 1st day of working. So I was hoping that it's gonna turn out to be a good start for me. And I also hope that I can learn something new from them. It's actually not 100% focused on x-ray because I've to deal with paperwork and I've to meet up with the clients, answer the phone call etc. All I hope is that it's gonna be great πŸ™†. I take it from the positive side means that I can learn something new and I hope really really really hope that this is the best decision that I've made.

Ya Allah, I believe in you. I know that everything that happened right now, is because You wanted it to πŸ’˜

I like you.

Love is sometimes beyond our expectation. Never know until you started to realize that you like someone. Being in love with someone is not a sin but sometimes it might hurts you so much. Who knows someday, tomorrow or maybe later you started to missing someone. But all you can do is just playing with your mind and your heart. Once again, your heart is in pain. That day, I remember when my heart beats so fast when I look at him , I know that I like him so much. That day, I've never felt like that for my entire life until I met him. The one that I like the most. But how cruel to have this feelings because I've no courage and I've no strength to tell him that I like him so much. All I can do is just watching him from far and just smiling at my own self.

After my high school, I still have this strange feelings and it won't fade . And then I started to realize that I've to stop being like this. I've been stalking him for the past 4 years which is a dumbest thing that I've done. I know that he's happy with his love's story. And guess who's hurting ? Yes, it's me . It's cruel to have this feelings but who am I to get mad at something like this? Right now, I realize that I've never get a butterfly in my stomach whenever I saw his pictures. And it means that, there's no more love from me left for him. I started to realize it again, that I miss being falling in love with someone. How I wish that someday I'll get to have this feelings again. It might hurts me but at the same time it makes me happy.

Whoever you're and whoever you like, have some courage to tell them that you like them. Never too late to tell them. Even if they rejected you at least you know what should you do for the next step. Either you wanna give up or you keep on trying. Who knows that he's or she's the one for you.All the best in finding your soulmate. May your heart remains happy forever.


20 July 2017 is one of the best day in my life. First of all special thanks for my beloved best friends for spending some of your quality time with me. Appreciate that. But before that, just wanna say happy birthday enan for yesterday and happy birthday pah for today. I'm so blessed for having each one of you in my life. And I hope that we can remains like this forever. Keep our faith together and just keep on moving for a better life (mukadimah panjang). Okay lah terbelit lidah pula satgi jom la ckp bahasa kita sendiri. So benda ni plan last minit ja sbb memula saja sembang dgn Hanif kata nak lepak sekali tuptup terajak Fuddin and Ecah. So 18 July ajak lah si Ecah ni lepak mcd niat nak lepak sekali bincang isu ni, tuptuptup terjemput si Hanif pula hahaha jadi reunion 3 org pula. So dari situ lah plan nak ajak ramai terhasil. Maka dgn itu Ainan and Pah berjaya join sekali πŸ’—

Dengan berbajetkan rm100 (acah je) kami berjaya spend together dgn bajet cuma bermodalkan rm30 sorang. It's actually very fun and of course lah excited sebab lepak sekali dgn member. Time ni first trip la nak ronda guna CITY ROUTE. Btw, thanks Hop On Hop Off Bus Penang for the wonderful trip. Just for information lah bas ni kalau bawa student ID ada price dia sendiri. If warganegara dia kira rm20 but if usung student ID price jadi rm12. Helloo sapa tak mau pusing satu Penang dgn bermodalkan rm12 kan? So untuk student, very recommended 😁

Haa masa ni before start trip, masa ni baru naik feri nak menuju ke Gurney. Al-maklum lah kami ni bukan duduk Pulau so kena lah struggle sikit rabat tangga demi sesuap feri eh?! πŸ˜‡ so before nak sampai selfie lah dulu . Ops sorry la muka mcm tak nak buka je mata hahaha sis redha. So there's 4 of us walaupun tak complete it's okay still happening πŸ’ž

This one masa last trip naik "Beach Route" sbb nak pusing satu "Beach Route"makan masa lagipun time tu tengah kejar solat maghrib so kami buat sekerat jalan ja trip (alhamdulillah abe bus baik) so dia berhentikan dekat Masjid Terapung. Kalau ikutkan tak boleh berhenti tapi abe bus baik dia bagi berhenti Alhamdulillah πŸ’œ. So ni selfie berdua lah sementara tunggu yg lain tak habis solat lagi , ihiks sis rasa hipster angat pakai topi πŸ’«

This one masa pergi Times Square Penang. Act, sis dah lama dah lalu lalang depan encik ttransformer ni cuma tak ada kesempatan je nak lepak siap bergambor but finally alhamdulillah sis berjaya πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ. Terasa mcm dia jodoh sis lah pula, okay abe transformer jom kita nikoh πŸ’˜
Ahaa masa naik "City Route" kami mai sat singgah makan cendoi sedap nak mampuih ni just rm2.70 ja wey utk semangkuk ni.Berbaloi-baloi bak hanggg makan cendoi ni tak tipu. So hopefully dpt datang sini lagi hmmmm banyak betoi kacang merah dia walaupun tak suka terpaksa habiskan sebab bayar lol . Jangan membazir, amalan setan ihiks πŸ’€

So sikit je la gambar sis mampu belanja πŸ‘€ . Tapi semalam agak penat la sbb non-stop berlari kejaq bas, yelah asal kami ralek sat mesti bas mai dah tu nak kena lari kejaq bas so jangan jadi mcm kami semua. Kami main bedai ja semalam, tak check pun timing bas so it's okay asalkan enjoy. Dapat juga aku dengaq Pah membebel kena berlari hahahaha . Apa apa pun, this is one of the best places I've been with my fav peoples on Earth. Hopefully next time ada lagi 😝  hmm tambah group lagi maybe?So that's all have a very nice day kesayangan ku πŸ’˜

P/S : Doakan Wiwi dpt kerja, Selasa ni start interview "Ya Allah permudahkan lah urusan Wiwi aamiin"πŸ’•

Hospital Pulau Pinang

Baru ada kesempatan nak meluahkan rasa hati haha. Dah 2 bulan juga la tinggalkan Hospital ni . So this is my last hospital utk semester 6 mudah mudahan dah tak jumpa dah untuk posting ye. Doakan saya dpt jawab paper dengan tenang and doa kan saya supaya tak ada repeat paper sebab saya nak graduate on time. So first of course I wanna thanks my favorite local preceptor which is Madam Chen and Puan Ham for taking care all of us. Maaf kalau ada salah and silap tanpa disedari.

Tbh, this is one of my fav hospital sebab radiographer dkt sini semua okay . Yang paling best masa second week jaga bilik CT SCAN at the end of the day masa hari kelima dapat makanan free hehe kira rezeki. Thanks Kak Min and Encik Usop sebab bagi. Kami ikhlas buat keja hehe pada yg tak memberi pun terima kasih juga sbb bagi tunjuk ajar :) . Radiographer kat sini semua bukan jenis kedekut ilmu, banyak share ilmu hahaha and yg best nya sini berbanding dengan praktikal sebelum ni mostly lah depa mesti ckp "Terima kasih adik tolong". 

You know, I've to admit jadi student praktikal is not easy, kena buat banyak kerja tapi niat kena betul janganlah nak buat keja bebal sbb kena paksa , tapi kita buat keja sbb nak dpt ilmu, nak asah skill kita. Hari ortho la hari paling penat sbb radiographer 2 org jaga 1 bilik so kelam kabut, bila kita masuk jadi 3 baru lah okay sikit , walaupun penat tapi penat jadi hilang bila perkataan "terima kasih" tu mai, kami bukannya nak minta dipuji tak. Tapi ntah, rasa seronok bila org nampak effort kita nak menolong. Mudah mudahan Allah permudahkan segala urusan kakak kakak dan encik encik sekalian.

Lagipun yang bestnya kat sini, almost every week ada jamuan makan makan. Hmm sampai satu hari tu depa siap boh ice cream matcool dlm department hat tu paling tak tahan. Tapi seronok la sbb depa tak pinggirkan kami, depa suh makan sekali. Ye buat kali kedua, moga murah rezeki kakak kakak dgn encik encik kat department tu hehe. Saya ni kalau bab makan lega sikit, yelah as a student duit kan penting. Kalau org dah supply lunch maka dgn itu duit lunch simpan utk keesokan hari ke nak bedal makan malam makan mewah hahaha.

Haa tak dilupakan juga, thanks gang praktikal Hospital Pulau Pinang sebab ntah la hahaha rasa nak menghargai kome pula. Yelah, kita harungi detik detik kegembiraan detik detik cemas bersama sama erm yeke? Hahaha apa apa je lah yg aku tau thanks ye. Especially Faez , kena ngaku la before kita praktikal sini, kita tak la serapat mana nak dibandingkan hang dengan Zati, but finally we made it, jurang tu kita dah hapuskan and i'm glad that kita dah makin rapat and yes you're my best buddy yg selalu dgn aku through my thick and thin masa kat sini. Thank you so much. Hanya Allah je yg tau betapa bersyukurnya aku dpt kwn mcm hg :)

( sorry muka baru bangun tidur der )

So, this is one of my good memory that I won't forget. Hopefully someday kita akn berjumpa lagi so mudah mudahan urusan kita semua dipermudahkan :)