Random Post

Dear self , be patient because everything that's happening right now, He knows that you can manage to do this so stay strong like usual and keep on smiling. Hello guys ! So currently I'm in study week mood . I got paper for this Friday. Wish me all the best. Hopefully I can achieve my target and hopefully there's no repeat subject for me like EVER! I don't wanna have to. So this is just a random post , You know what , sometimes I don't know how to react with certain people. I know someone and yes "tet" did not have any friend. "Tet" used to have it but now it's gone . From my point of view ( I'm not trying to judge anyone here it's just my opinion ) , "tet" never realize or never try to solve it about the reason why "tet" friends is leaving "tet" alone. You know that "tet" is just get mad and talking bad about "tet" friends &  I was like okayyy . Actually this is my solution . Why don't you try and look deep inside of yourself in which part that person doesn't like you. So we can stop blaming them for not liking us . I had an issue with "tet" and I never mention it to "tet" because in second though I guess if i tell "tet" about things that I dislike "tet" it's gonna turn the world upside down hahahaha. Seriously "tet" got a serious anger issue that I don't want to mention but already mentioned hahahaha. Maybe "tet" friends got the same problem like mine . "Tet" is nice but most of the time I don't really think that "tet" gonna fit in with me. Hopefully someday "tet" gonna realize that what "tet" did was wrong and hopefully "tet" will try to control "tet" anger problem.

The next one is about my crush. I mean my ex-crush lol since when crush is an ex . I'm sorry. Now to be honest I'm tired of chasing his shadows but he never realize that.And just now I saw he uploaded insta story with his girlfriend well at first I thought that she was just his bestfriend and yes I was wrong. The way he looks at her and the way they were together , it makes me sick and I'm tired. Now for real , I'm done with him. Thank you for stay in my heart for 4 years but right now I need to stop doing all this shit. Why am I care about you so much but you never know that I like you for so fucking long time. You guys should call me STUPID for not telling him the truth but tbh I'm not strong enough to know what he really think about me. I just wanna close my heart for him. Hopefully he's gonna stay in love with that girl and someday hopefully they will getting married.Thank you for making me happy for the past 4 years and the reason that I smile everytime I saw you :) . There's no more "MR.F / LEMONADE " after this. You're totally GONE now in my life.

Hahaha see I told ya that this is a random post so have a nice day everyone. Thanks for viewing and reading my random post and have a nice day. Assalamualaikum !Pray for me that I'll pass all the subject for semester 5 . Can't wait to end all of this . Aaamiin . Thanks !

Azam 2k17 !

Say hello to 2017 ! It's been a while since I tak ber-blog . Ya Allah , rasa mcm sekejap sangat masa berlalu , dah masuk 2k17 insyaallah this year graduate & maybe this year juga cari kerja . Moga dipermudahkan oleh Allah S.W.T :) . So bila dah start masuk new year mcm biasa lah kan , mestilah ada azam kan . Every year mesti ada something yg kita nak achieve . So this is my "azam" for this year !

a) Kuruskan Badan
Dah berapa lama dah berazam , dari 2009 rasanya sampai skrg. Hahaha semua tak kesampaian. Kita nak turun , dia lagi naik ada . Hmm tu lah motivasi diri tak cukup kuat, mudah mudahan tahun ni tercapai la impian ni, hopefully bukan sembang kencang macam tahun before this :P . Wiwi dengan niat nak kuruskan badan tak pernah nak berpisah haha. Aim saya nak dpt berat badan 55kg insyaallah mudah mudahan dipermudahkan. Sekarang ? Hahaha berat rahsia lah , sis tak suka nak kongsi berat badan :p

b) Graduate !
Omg tahun ni lah tahun yg paling aku nantikan , moga dipermudahkan nak graduate this year.Tak sabaq nak graduate and insyaallah lepas graduate nak cari kerja then for a few years kalau rajin nak sambung degree pula. Sebab kewangan skrg tak berapa nak stabil tu yang diri ni be-betul bertekad nak graduate. Hopefully dipermudahkan. Doakan lah saya guys :)

c) To be in a relationship
Tak tau kenapa , but this year rasanya dah bersedia kot nak ada "relationship" so calon is still searching. Hahaha jodoh mana jodoh ? Maybe sebab tgk senior tua setahun dah nak kahwin this year, kita pun rasa mcm nak ada someone haha . Lagipun this year insyaallah kalau dipermudahkan dah boleh start keja so boleh lah kalau nak focus dekat relationship. Because before this single memang sebab nak focus dekat study. Hehehehehe *terasa gatai* ehem.

d) Working !
Yessss , memang main highlight dia pasai nak cari kerja lah. Wiwi insyaallah tahun ni dah 21 tahun so dah boleh slow slow start cari kerja. Kalau tak dpt kerja utk course yg saya ada skrg but kerja mcm biasa pun xpa, sementara nak dpt kerja yg be-betul sesuai dengan diploma yg saya ada kan :P. Maka dengan itu KERJA ITU WAJIB untuk tahun ni . Sis dah tak sanggup nk menambah lemak dekat rumah. Baik sis kerja yedokk?

e) Travel
Macam biasa, bila dah kerja duit mesti dah ada sikit-2 kan. So dgn adanya duit sikit-2 ni dah nak start planning nak g vacation. Sis tak kisah pun dkt mana, kalau boleh starting nak lah dkt Malaysia kan, lepas tu slow slow travel g negara jiran . Tempat paling sis nak g actually Korea tapi tu tolak tepi dulu sebab hmm *tgk duit poket*, sana kan mahai sikit. So sis insyaallah planning nak g Thailand ( nak cari abe P'Push ) baru minat dgn artis Thailand uolz hahaha. Lepas tu sis nak g Indonesia lah. Tapi situ tak tau lagi nak g mana , Lombok ke Bandung ke Jakarta ka hmm still dalam perancangan.

f) Beli Iphone
Bukan nak ikut trend k , sis nak juga merasa guna iphone . Haritu gagah juga nak beli online sekali kena tipu padan muka. Memang tak halal lah duit yg dia makan tu hmm ( kenangan pahit 2k16) moga tahun ni lebih cerdik dengan tahun sebelum ni hahaha. Moga seketul wiwi tak mudah tertipu dengan penipu dan pembohong huhuhu.

g) Buka bisnes sampingan
Alhamdulillah skrg dah slow-2 dah meniaga barang-2 kosmetik ni. Special thanks lah for those yg support aku non-stop buying things from me memang appreciate gegila. Moga murah rezeki korang yg beli produk iolz juai hehe . Kalau sesapa berminat boleh lah support sis dekat ig shop sis ( @ wiwi shop07 ) , jangan tanya mana dapat idea nak letak nama kedai mcm tu hahahahaha. 07 tu saja aku tambah sebab aku memang suka nombor 7 . Tu memang tak boleh nak buat apa lah kan hehe

h) New Me.
Lepas ni nak ubah sikit personaliti. U know nak jadi makin attractive hahaha boleh?! Lol, tak ada maknanya nak makin attractive . Kalau boleh nak jadi more "straight forward" sebab i expect peoples at my age ni dah boleh kot fikir guna otak? hahaha , tak boleh sngt nak jaga hati org nnti org pijak kepala kita. Somehow kita kena ada this kind of attitude supaya org tak berani nak pijak.Better org benci depan-2 dari buat fake depan awk acah mcm tak marah padahal....Jahanam :'P

i) Jar of happiness
Yes ni pun highlight utk this year , memang kejap lagi balik Ipoh sis nak mencari balang kaca yg boleh buat habuan nk tulis pasai kebahagiaan sis . Untuk diri sendiri, mesti best bila dah bebanyak then buka and baca balik confirm senyum kemain. Excited gila nak buat game ni. Hopefully azam wiwi menjadi la, bukan sekadar angan-2 saja hahaha. 

That's all lah azam seketul wiwi utk tahun 2k17 :D . So happy new year semua hopefully this year gonna be an awesome year for all of us . Bye xoxo love you guys.