What it felt like to be pretty?

What it felt like to be pretty? 
I've to admit yg aku bukan seorang perempuan yg sempurna dari segi rupa paras kalau nak dibandingkan dengan berjuta wanita dalam dunia ni. At some point, I was wondering how it felt to be that pretty ? That moment bila semua org memuji kecantikan kau like first impression engkau lawa so perangai engkau mesti lawa dgn muka engkau . Well, tiada yg bermula dengan jatuh cinta sbb peribadi seseorang, everything started if "kau ada rupa".Okay dah habis wonder so back to the story , ermm isu sensetif pula topik aku harini. Jangan ingat aku tgh kecewa ye, saya masih bergembira bersama ketupat lemang dan rendang hahaha.

Apa yg aku nak cakap actually, kecantikan ni datang dari kita juga. Apa yg penting kau kena ada keyakinan diri, bila ada keyakinan diri secara tak langsung engkau yakin dgn rupa paras engkau. Manusia adalah sebaik baik ciptaan Allah. Kalau engkau kutuk someone, maka engkau kutuk ciptaanNya. Aku kat sini bukan nak bagi ceramah agama haha aku kat sini nak mengingatkan sesama sendiri including diri sendiri yg cantik tu subjektif. Kau tak payah nak rasa down to the Earth sangat la bila tgk model bila tgk kawan kawan lawa. Just be yourself. Engkau pun ada keistimewaan engkau sendiri. 

Like I said just now yakin dgn diri sendiri and percaya dgn diri sendiri. Tak salah kalau sekali sekala kita nak melawa bermake-up kalau benda tu yg boleh buat kita rasa diri kita ni lawa. Tu lah, susah jadi perempuan, engkau rasa engkau dah lawa tapi bila tgk org lawa sikit dari engkau, mula lah rasa diri tu tak lawa. Aku harap nanti one fine day, engkau engkau engkau dan aku akan jumpa someone yg betul betul ikhlas sayangkan kau bukan sbb rupa kau tapi sbb sifat kau ( kena baik la ye ) hahaha. Dan aku harap tiadalah golongan terlebih pandai nak condemn bila lelaki hensem tapi perempuan so so je muka. Hello, cinta datang tak diduga okay haha.

Sekian dari gadis berwajah biasa suam suam kuku hahahaha 

I hate today.

Today is one of my worst day ever ! Just imagine that I've to buy another ticket because they miss to mention this stupid number of bus? And the most bullshit thing is when I went to the counter and asked that fatty lady she said like this " It's your fault , you shouldn't waiting for the announcement but you should find the bus all by yourself. That bus is already gone" . And I was like "What the fak are you fckin kidding with me rn?" For my past 3 years here , it's my very fckin first time that I missed my bus and it's not my fault at all. Before this they never miss calling the number of bus but this time is totally bullshit. I hate their services and well "Aku haram kan duit aku". It's your fault not mine but why should I be the one who's in fault ? I've burn my precious rm20 . Maybe for you guys it's not that much but for me it is. Dah la dengan duit belanja tak cukup and now this bullshit jadi. Luckily for the second time I didn't miss that bus but i'm fucking almost miss the bus because there's AGAIN NO ANNOUNCEMENT! When I bought another ticket I asked that lady on the counter "Nanti dia buat announcement kan" and she was like " Yes they will " but there's no FUCKING ANNOUNCEMENT ! This is the worst day for me and I hate it. Hopefully it won't happened again since RAYA is coming. Stop treating your customer like bullshit have some respect. I'm so done with this place.