Myungsoo scandal issue.


Hello everyone ! Today i'm going to talk about my little Myungsoo. Well, the rumor is spreading everywhere. Pity him. For kpop lover i know , all of us know about this issue. As an INSPIRIT it's quite shock for me because i didnt expect something like this ! Like seriously :O . L with this ULLZANG girl. I was really sad.. Ermm, because he's my BIAS. Lol. But it's okay, well as a human being it's normal if we're falling in love with someone. Right? So, i just think positive. Well, if it's true they're dating but i guess it wont last longer. Lol.

So, i found this on twitter. So, the conclusion is , i think she's trying to make story so she could be famous? I guess... Because before this, the rumor said she's with G-Dragon from BigBang. If it is true that she's trying to be famous by making story .. Well, congratulation you did it ! But , as an inspirit we will always support our Myungsoo ~ . This is just a rumor.. Our Myungsoo will never falling in love with you. Lol. Plastic ~
Okay , thanks for reading this entry. Hihi. Because i'm kpop lover and an inspirit so i've to post about my Myungsoo scandal. Hope everything is well there. Take care our little prince :-* .


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