This is one of my favourite quotes . Appreciate ? Sometimes kita ni tak appreciate langsung benda dah ada depan mata but once benda tu dah tak ada depan mata baru lah rasa mcm menyesal sebab tak appreciate . First of all , I wanna thanks to my family and my bestfriends which is always be there by my side . I started to realise that I don't appreciate apa benda yg ada depan mata . Not fully appreciate.
I know this guy since high school and yes he's my namja bestfriend. I like spending my time with him . Aku ada satu tau bad habit *i dont know its bad or not* which is when aku balik rumah for semester break , I always campak my own phone almost everywhere and kekadang malas gila nak reply ws and others bcs i wanna spend my quality times here with my family . And satu lagi sebab ada Wi-fi which means that aku boleh tgk kdrama dari siang sampai ke malam . What a life kan . Hahaha
So , aku ni insan yg malas nak reply ws orang . First of all , sorry for that bruh ! Then , one day he gave me lyrics which is in mandarin . Yes , aku belajar ckp mandarin but tak master lagi , lagipun dah lama tak study and ckp mandarin , so i kinda lost it . So , aku mcm why youre giving this lyrics to me and he was like ... *i forgot his reaction* . Then , yesterday dalam dok menela'ah youtube , i found this song and i realise maksud tersirat dlm lagu tu yg dia cuba sampaikan kt aku.
Maksud lagu tu "I miss you" . And i'm so sorry for being such a @#$%^ . Well , bila aku sedar , i was like , he always be there for me and why i dont appreciate him ? Like , bila aku moody / bad mood / geram and others aku selalu cerita problem aku kat dia but bila aku senang / bahagia i just forget about him . Oh , i'm so sorry for being such a dumb friend . And anyway thanks for always be there for me . You will always be my namja bestfriend :D .
So , starting from today I just have to appreciate everyone yg ada dlm hidup aku ni . I will . And thanks for make me realise that and yes i miss you too ! :)