Major Throwback

Sedih sebab cuti raya haji dah nak habis (T,T) . Terasa sekejap ya ampun , masuk harini dah 3 hari ada kat rumah tercinta . Ya Allah , bila lah nak sampai bulan 10 , tak sabaq nak cuti mid sem . Kekeke , confirm lah lepas ni bertambah busy . Ya Allah moga Allah permudahkan segalanya . Dengan problem rumah tak settle , haish meminta la cecepat dapat settle benda ni . Serabut kepala otak aku nak pikir pasal benda ni . Makin lama makin menjadi jadi -.- . Ya Allah , bagilah aku kekuatan . Fighting ! Yang penting esok pepagi dah kena naik bas balik Ipoh sebab tiket tenghari and petang semua dah habis (T,T) . Tak suka gila balik awai . Like seriously , kalau boleh nak forever ja duduk kat rumah ni . Lagi best lagi ada umph lagi syok (T.T) . Takpalah , setahun setengah je lagi .

Semalam tetiba throwback gambaq muda mudi start dari darjah 6 sampai form 5 . Aku hanya mampu ketawa tgk diri sendiri . Betapa tak teratur and betapa kusutnya cara pemakaian aku . Hahahhaa , tak sanggup nak tgk lelama . Paling takleh blah , masa dulu boleh la tahan kecik juga badan aku . But idk , perubahan drastik gila wey . Aku dah gemuk kalau nak compare dengan before ni *Sedaq diri takpa* Bila teringat balik gambaq gambaq ni , just wanna say thanks la buat kenkawan yg pernah exist dalam hidup aku . Well , tak kisahlah engko aku benci ke aku sayang ke kan . Thanks la bebanyak . Kalau boleh putarkan masa , memang nak sangat balik zaman sekolah .

Zaman sekolah lah zaman tak kusut . Tetambah masa sekolah rendah , lagilah sepanjang masa aku memain . Hahahaha , result masa darjah 6 pun selalu 10 kebawah dlm kelas :D . Ya Allah , bertambah rindu lah . Hope one day kita semua boleh reunion . Teringin juga nak tgk kan makin berisi ke makin kurus ke haaa ntah ntah ada yg dah kahwin . Hahahaha . Tapi itulah , masa dah x boleh nak diputarkan balik . But one thing yg aku tahu , Memories wont fade away . Thanks for everything gais ~

Assalamualaikum . Have a nice day !


When I woke up this morning , I realized that it's not their fault but it was mine . Alhamdulillah , right now I don't have that feeling anymore but I still don't have courage to face with them . I don't know why . But right now , alhamdulillah I'm doing just fine . When I rethink about it , actually I can't blame them for being like that . It's up to them to be what they wanted to be and I don't have any right to stop them for being what they wanted to be . 

Then , I realize something , just think about it . Memories won't fade away and it always be there . Look , when we're having a problem with our friend and we were like " Okay I won't be her/his friend anymore because I hate her/ him . " But actually when we think about it , it's just a small misunderstood and just because of that little tiny problem , you just wanna let go your friendship that you had build with your friend for years / months ?

Why don't we recall ourselves and think about our sweetest memories when we were with them . And then you'll realize that why you must end your friendship just because this small problem ? Why ? And yes , I'm asking myself then I realize that , I can't end up my friendship like this just because of this small problem that I created by myself . And I was like , I shouldn't act like this . This was totally WRONG !

To be honest , I don't like people who's avoiding me for no reason . Yes , like why you acting so weird and why you're trying to avoid me ? What did I do to you ? Do you hate me ? Do you don't like me ? May I know the reason why all of sudden you keep avoiding me . 

The funny thing is right now I'm doing this thing toward " Someone " and I was thinking did " Someone " felt what I felt ? Hahahaha . I'm so sorry for being like this . There's SATAN everywhere in my head that makes me felt like I DON'T WANNA BE YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE but actually yes I realize that I do wanna be your friend forever and ever . Hope that we protect our friendship that we had build for years . 

Thanks for reading . Have a nice day peoples ! And I'm going back to Ipoh tomorrow and yes maybe I won't updating my blog for a while . Bismillah for semester 3 ! Wuuhuuu ~


I don't know why lately I'm not in a good mood . Always thinking about things that I shouldn't think about . I don't know why am I this weak . I'm so sorry , I just need to stay away from some people because all I need is just to be alone right now . I don't know why I had this feeling and I know that I shouldn't have this feeling . " Someone " that I adore and I care about is slowly becomes " Someone " that I hate and I dislike and " Someone " that I don't wanna be friend with . 

So , right now I'm trying to change this feeling slowly . I just need some spaces between myself . I need to calm myself because this will help me to RETHINK about what's happening right now . This feeling is so wrong . This wasn't me . I wasn't like this . I'm so sorry . I just need to calm myself . Just give me some spaces . I just need to think positive . 

Wishing that , they would change themselves to be better than before .

I'm sorry . I just need time to recover myself . I will find myself . Assalamualaikum.